What are Technology Solutions?

The explosion of innovations seem to continuously alter what is possible in the use of technology to foster learning. Tools are rampant but how we use them to solve problems is the question we need to focus on.

What Tech Tools Work?

While there are a variety of technology tools applicable to the needs of struggling writers, which solutions are the most effective? Below, we structure technology innovations in three effective areas.

Talking Word Processor

What did I say? Hearing what one wrote is critical to the drafting, editing, and overall writing process. Learn more about why and the various technology solutions.Learn More

Interactive Graphic Organizer

Brainstorming one's ideas and then linking these thoughts into a structured message is profoundly difficult for struggling writers. Learn about the issue and technologies that foster organization.Learn More

Word Prediction

Writing fluency troubles many struggling writers. Be it identifying the correct term, structuring a complete sentence, or simply spelling, these issues often limit one's written expression. Learn about technologies that support writing fluency.Learn More